Two hundred sixty missiles were lobbed into Israel the other day. Yet, butt-munchers all around the globe say the Jews are to blame. I have heard the whole Zionist conspiracy theory from Left-wingers to extreme Right-wingers. News flash: they are ALL nut jobs. Americans and Israeli's have been the targets of Islam for decades. There has been no letting up of the violence committed against our two peoples. For those who say Israel is the aggressor, well Israel has always had to be more than just the sum of all its parts. From it's re-building in 1948 (or 1946), Israel has had to protect itself from those countries that stated their hostility towards the Jewish state.
On Septembet 11, 2001, those Russian, Chinese, and Saudi sponored Nazi's -yes, NAZI'S- called Muslims, attacked our beloved United States, killing 3000 of our people. The rest of the world -except Israel- would have us simply weep on our knees and lament the violence and horridness of our vile enemy, trying to explain the why's and how's of the bloody thirsty dogs. That is Europe's and Canada's way. It used to be our way for a while. It is no longer our way. Our way is clear: destroy the enemy before he destroy's us. Saddam Hussein was connected to bin Laden. Bin Laden had men in Iraq. Iran's president is a Holocaust denier. He has also stated that the Jews need to be wiped out. All three of these men want ALL Christians and Jews dead.
I want Hussein, bin Laden, and Irans' president dead and burning in Hell. Oh, that fruitcake in North korea -Kim Jong Il- can join them.
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